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BMW Group, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company and the Volkswagen Group with Audi and Porsche today announced a joint venture called IONITY that will develop and implement a high-power charging (HPC) network for electric vehicles across Europe.
Ford Focus and Ford F-Series are now back-to-back-to-back winners of Hottest Hatch and Hottest Truck awards from the Specialty Equipment Market Association. Ford’s domination of the show continues, as it collects these coveted awards at a greater pace than any other automaker. Ford has won 15 out of the 33 Hottest Vehicle awards presented by SEMA since 2010.
Ford today announces the all-new Ford Performance Drift Stick, the first-ever, rally-inspired electronic handbrake, developed and designed for Focus RS and approved by rally and stunt star Ken Bock.
The Ford Motor Company Fund celebrated the 10-year anniversary of its signature Ford College Community Challenge (C3) yesterday with a special mobility-themed competition, “Making Lives Better by Changing the Way People Move.”
Ford Motor Company today is providing a strategic update to investors, detailing plans to leverage its unique product strengths, trusted brand and global scale to refocus and thrive in an evolving and disruptive period for the auto industry.
Ford is helping to make employee lives better by providing new families more time to develop crucial bonds, designing a new Dearborn campus to support worker wellness, and offering a Wellbeing + Wanderlust @Ford event to build excitement amongst employees about focusing on their health.
Listening is an important part of any job or career, but for a select group of Ford and HARMAN employees like Ford’s Joe Kafati, listening is, literally, everything.
Ford’s new F-150 debuts for 2018 even tougher, even smarter, and even more capable than ever – with the most advanced F-150 powertrain lineup ever that delivers best-in-class towing, payload and efficiency for America’s pickup drivers.